Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just a Tidbit

So I get this daily email from Yoga Journal and the email from yesterday reminded me of your post about searching for balance. I'm totally cheating here by borrowing from their email for my post but at least it's something. And I know you don't do yoga but it still applies.

The Inner Journey

In a workshop with Dharma Mittra over the weekend, he taught in detail about the importance of the inner self. The asana practice was an offering to the divine. He reminded us that our identity does not rest in the body or the mind; it rests in the embodied soul.

The body, like everything in life, is impermanent. Youth comes and goes. People in our lives come and go. Wealth and job security come and go. Are we able to maintain our happiness throughout life’s fluctuations? Yes, if we find our stability within, rather than through these external sources.

This week, navigate your own inner journey through your yoga practice with the inner map of the five koshas. After working the physical body, breath, and mental bodies, prepare for the wisdom body, and finally, the bliss body. Learn how Dharma Mittra discovered yoga, and be sure to read the exclusive YJ Interview with him in the upcoming September issue of Yoga Journal.

Om Namah Shivaya,

Andrea Kowalski

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