Thursday, December 07, 2006

Regular Programming cont'd...

Okay, let me see if I can pick up where my thoughts were going here. This time it's pretty early so, once again, I'll not be responsible for the lucidity of my thoughts!

Thus far we've discussed a bit of the schism that has come as a result of the Reformation and the prevailing philosophical and theological thought of the time. Now, let us say, there were very positive things that came via the Reformation as well. The whole uprising, if we may call it that, pointed out a bevy of corruption within the Church and helped to bring change, good change, in many ways. Yet, somewhere along the way we lost sight of a few things.

Fast forward to now where I'll drop my pseudo-history lesson and delve more into some personal opinions and thoughts. In my opinion, Christianity as a religion, and many that would term themselves "Christian", have become arrogant within their system of belief. As we've discussed the idea of "attachment" before, we now see a dire attachment to a theological or doctrinal system. They cling to this system of belief and utilize it in effort to deal with what this world throws at them. The issue comes when the paradox hits, when the black and white merge to form gray. This is the point at which a decision must be made. Do I forage forth now with holes in the proverbial boat or do I have the courage of my convictions to open my hand and to hold even my worldview, my theology, with an uplifted palm to God, admitting that the mind of God is simply greater than the mind of man?

There's more to come but I wanted to keep the conversation going. I hope you are following my train of thought. This feels like it's a serious "stream of conciousness"-type of writing but hopefully, as I prayed before, this is making sense. Just hang in there with me. So, am I making sense thus far? Any comments?

- andy

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